The beating heart of our school – in our thoughts, in our words and in our actions.
‘I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.’ John 10:10

At Sutton in Craven C of E VC Primary School, the daily act of Collective Worship is the beating heart of our day. It is based on Christian Values which are woven like a thread throughout all aspects of our school enriching who we are. We nurture and celebrate each person within our school family; individuals are respected and valued equally without regard to ability gender, faith, heritage or race.
All the children in our care are children of God and are created in his likeness. God is love and he wants the best for his children. He wants us to have life in all its fullness, he wants us all to flourish. He never said that things would be easy, but that he is with us by his Spirit in whatever situations we find ourselves.
It is our responsibility as a Church of England school to provide the children with the building blocks of the Christian faith through the means of worship, prayer and familiarity with Scripture. Our children are challenged to think for themselves about the big questions that face the world today
Our daily acts of worship make space for children and staff to come together and share worship through learning, music, reflection and prayer.
Our worship is inclusive and gives all of our school family the chance to be part of the experience, whilst nurturing and valuing each person individually regardless of ability, gender, faith or race.
The weekly pattern of collective worship looks like this:
Monday – Head Teacher’s worship
Tuesday – Collective Worship through song/Led by a member of the Church
Wednesday – Key Stage Collective Worship led by staff with involvement of children
Thursday – Class Collective worship led by children
Friday – Flourish Worship and Assembly