Flourishing together, in the love of God, to live life in all its fullness (John 10:10)
Our vision is to support every child to flourish into compassionate, confident and resilient young people who have a delight in learning and do so in the love of God.
We focus on three core Christian Values, LOVE, COURAGE and PEACE which underpin all we do in school.
We will advocate for each and every child to achieve their very best and uphold high aspirations for them all, through our creative, meaningful and inspiring approach to teaching and learning. We are educating every child to live life in all its fullness.
Our Christian Values underpin and motivate high expectations for us all and together they create a loving community, a climate of dignity, respect, safety and support, a place of love, courage, peace and high aspiration for all to flourish.
Our rich curriculum is designed to challenge, engage and motivate children to progress; it encourages children to discuss, explore, create and reflect, immersing them in delight and a lifelong love of learning.
All our children are at the centre of a meaningful learning experience that is relevant for the future, which draws inspiration from positive role models and the Christian faith.
John 10:10 ‘That they shall have life, life in all its fullness.’
In this verse, Jesus says he has come ‘in order that you might have life- life in all its fullness’, it’s a reminder that it possible for us to know a full life, in which we know the security of being in the hands of the good shepherd. People of faith will listen to him, because he is like the shepherd whose sheep know his voice.