
At Sutton in Craven C.E. Primary School, our broad and balanced whole school curriculum aims to promote our Christian vision: Flourishing together, in the love of God, to live life in all its fullness, and is under-pinned by the core Christian values of: love, courage and peace.  PSHE including RSE forms part of this curriculum and is linked to core aspects of our curriculum including science, Religious Education (RE), spirituality, e-safety, diversity, health and wellbeing .  It allows children to ‘acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives now and in the future’, allowing them to ‘thrive as individuals, family members and members of society’ (PSHE Association 2017).

Curriculum Intent

At Sutton in Craven C.E Primary School, PSHE is taught through three core areas: Health and Wellbeing; Relationships; and Living in the Wider World.  Through these Core areas, over their time at Sutton in Craven C.E. Primary School, children will acquire knowledge and skills through the units listed below.

Health and Wellbeing


Living in the Wider World

  • Healthy lifestyles –physical, emotional and mental health; hygiene ; nutrition and food      
  • Aspirations 
  • Emotions
  • ·Safety and First aid
  • ·Growing and changing
  • Communication and collaboration ·   
  • Similarities and Differences; Fairness; Bullying
  • Healthy Relationships; Family and Friends 
  •  Rules and Responsibilities 
  • Collaboration; Diversity; Communities; Discrimination 
  • Economic Awareness; Money and Finance; Enterprise 

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) including Health education is an integral part of PSHE and allows children to acquire knowledge and skills in the areas listed below.

Relationships Education

Health Education

  • ·         Families and people who care for me
  • ·         Caring friendships
  • ·         Online relationships
  • ·         Being safe

NB: Relationships Education is compulsory in primary schools however Sex Education is not.

  • ·         Mental wellbeing
  • ·         Internet safety and harms
  • ·         Physical health and fitness
  • ·         Healthy eating
  • ·         Drugs, alcohol and tobacco
  • ·         Health and prevention
  • ·         Basic First Aid
  • ·         Changing adolescent body (puberty)


Sex education is taught to children in Year 5 and 6 and covers the following areas: forming relationships; sexual relationships; healthy relationships; unhealthy relationships; and gender issues relationships.  In Year 5 and 6 we have formed a trustworthy, positive and close relationships with the children so we are able to deliver sex education in a safe and secure environment.

Our RSE curriculum offering was developed alongside a parents’ working group, including the Subject leader, the Head teacher and Governors

Curriculum Implementation

As a North Yorkshire school, we teach PSHE and RSE in-line with the NYCC guidance for schools and curriculum entitlement framework.  To support this teaching we use the PSHE scheme of work produced by 3D Dimensions Curriculum alongside resources from the PSHE Association and  PSHE including RSE is taught by class teachers and by a HLTA.  Teachers are strongly encouraged to adapt the scheme of work to meet the needs of the children in their classes.  PSHE including RSE is taught as a discrete lesson on a weekly basis as well as being integrated into other areas of the curriculum.

The units listed above are not taught as individual units, each half term children are taught a range of different aspects of PSHE and RSE to ensure that aspects are continuously revisited to ensure progression of knowledge and skills.

Teaching strategies are varied and are mindful of preferred learning styles and the need for differentiation to meet the needs of all children and ensure progression.  These strategies include the use of discussion, questioning, art, drama and music, as well as some written work.  Children are encouraged to use their own life experiences in order to enable them ‘to recognise, accept and shape their identities, to understand and accommodate difference and change, to manage emotions and to communicate constructively in a variety of setting’ (PSHE Association 2017).


Children’s well-being and safeguarding are paramount to everything we do at Sutton in Craven C.E. Primary school.  In order to enhance this, we acknowledge many local and national awareness and charity days including: Safer Internet Day, Fair trade fortnight, Comic Relief, Children in Need, Black History month and Children’s mental health week.

Each year our Year 6 children attend Crucial Crew, and event run by North Yorkshire police.  This event teaches children how to keep themselves and others safe and covers topics including; drugs and alcohol awareness, water safety, safety in the country side, safety near railways, gas safety, domestic abuse, fire safety, truancy and antisocial behaviour.

Our links with South Craven, our local secondary school, including sports tournaments and technology days, ensure that children are prepared for transition into Year 7.

Assessment and Impact

Lessons are planned around the learning objectives of a lesson outline by the 3D Dimensions scheme of work alongside the NYCC framework to ensure that all children make progress.  Independent activities and tasks are used as continuous formal assessment throughout units work, allowing children to demonstrate their understanding and knowledge.  This evidence is recorded in individual books to assist teachers in reaching a best-fit ‘level’ of working below, working towards, working at the expected standard or working at a greater depth.  Teacher assessment is an overall judgement based not only on written responses, but also on observations of how children contribute to discussions, the confidence and willingness the children have to answer questions and share their own ideas, their use of appropriate vocabulary and their recall of links to previous learning. Each unit of work begins with a pre unit assessment task; this task is repeated at the end of the unit as a form of summative assessment.  Assessment is recorded on a year group tracker.  Notes are made for children working towards the expected standard or at greater depth in order to inform further planning and to be passed on to the next teacher.

The subject leader monitors the effectiveness of PSHE including RSE teaching through a cycle of pupil interviews, staff questionnaires, learning walks, book dips and planning scrutiny.  This monitoring cycle allows the subject leader to make any necessary changes to the planning, implementation and assessment of PSHE including RSE within school and to update the PSHE action plan.  The subject leader attends PSHE network meetings led by the Local Authority to ensure that we are up to date with current practices.  This information is then fed back to staff through CPD.