Blossom class is our first class in school with Reception and Year One pupils.
Our PE days are Monday and Fridays. Children can come to school in their PE kit.
Mrs Harrison is the class teacher and she is supported by Mrs Allport and Miss Lindley.
Our children enter school every morning with a smile on their face and organise themselves for a busy day of learning. We strive to create independent and resilient learners who are not afraid to work hard and get messy!
September 2023
Blossom class have settled well into school life. We love to get outdoors, explore and have fun.

October 23

December 2023
All about the Nativity!
This week Blossom class, alongside Willow, put on a fantastic Nativty play that got us all in the Christmas spirit. A big well done to everyone!

Spring 2024 – The Blossom Garden Takeover!
This year, Blossom class provision extended as we began to develop the school garden. Following Covid, the garden needed a good clear out and together, with our paren ts and PTA, we have been able to take everything back and start again. 6 months in, we now have a vegetable patch, fruit bushes and herbs. Alongside this we have a flower bed full of spring bulbs and a green house growing tomatoes. our strawberries are coming along nicely and the wild flowers are blooming every day.